July 2017 Employee Spotlight

July 2017 Employee Spotlight - Kelly Cumiskey

Kelly Cumiskey is an Orthodontic Assistant who has been on our Smile Out Loud team for 2 years now. Kelly’s favorite part of working at Pinamonti Orthodontics is seeing the patient transformations. She also enjoys working with her co-workers.

Outside of the office, Kelly enjoys hanging out with her daughters, doing photography, going hiking, camping and just being outside. A fun fact about her is that she loves sports, and she especially loves the Chicago Cubs and the Denver Broncos.

When asked what her favorite memory while working at Pinamonti Orthodontics is, Kelly said: “I love our annual Halloween celebration where we all wear our costumes to work and I also love the day that all wear ugly Christmas sweaters.”

Pictured: Kelly with her daughters, Annlynn (left) and Kersee (right).
